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Easy ways to bring Ayurveda into your life

Book online shop, decorate, (get more decorations?), plan veggie alternatives, get kids to do cards for class, new top for Christmas party, secret santa for work..

Hi love

It doesn't stop does it? I love Christmas but the to do list is immense! Every time I go onto social media there seems to be another thing we're supposed to do - who came up with Christmas Eve boxes by the way?!

So, why would you want to add learning Ayurveda into the mix? 

Well the answer to that question is that it is a bit like exercise, practising Ayurveda gives us energy rather than depleting it. It guides us back into balance. Not in a juggling all the things sense but in a deep peace and coherence sense.

So here are some easy ways I've brought Ayurveda into my life that I thought you might enjoy too. You might already do some of them, or maybe you have done in the past and this is a good reminder because this is the time of the year when we need all the balance and flow we can get!
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This means your daily routine in Ayurveda and it aims to base your daily activities around the cycles of nature.

There are several specific rituals in a traditional dinacharya including things like oil pulling, tongue scraping and yoga but a big part of the benefit is just the routine in itself as this brings a sense of grounding and coming back to centre.

You could choose a morning and evening routine that work for you, maybe just with three steps so it doesn't feel too much. No need for an expensive health club these are all easy things you can do yourself at home


My morning routine starts with a short meditation so that I begin the day with positive, heart opening energy, I then do about 20 minutes exercise and stretching on my mat and when I'm in the bathroom cleaning my teeth I use my tongue scraper.

First thing I always have a warm drink to ignite my agni (digestive fire) and nurture my gut health. Sometimes this will be hot water with lemon and warming Ayurvedic herbs like ginger and cardamon but even just a cup of warm water will do
In the evening when it is time to wind down I spend a few minutes in prayer, this doesn't need to be religious and could just be talking to the universe. I express gratitude for the day and run through positive aspects of the day which brings me into positive energy. I then visualise having relaxed, peaceful evening connecting with my family or whatever I'm planning to do.

At the end of evening after a bath or shower I practice Abyangha massage using sesame oil as I tend towards Vata imbalance. This is so helpful with winding down and promoting deep sleep
Order Your Ayurvedic January Cleanse
See how I prepare for my cleanse and detox on instagram
So there we have it a few easy steps to live more Ayurvedically!
  • Have a dinacharya - daily routine
  • The steps themselves are less important than having a consistent routine that our bodies come to expect, as this makes us feel grounded
  • Meditation, exercise, tongue scraping, herbal teas, prayer and self massage are some ideas for your routine
Do you have a self care routine that works for you? Reply and let me know what it is!

Until next week.

In love and wellness

Medical Herbalist at Eat Live Wellness

ps If it's snowing where you are and you've got some extra home time why not go back to my blog last week and create yourself a detox bath😀
5 star Google review - Justina

"I LOVE Emma’s cleanse and already looking forward to the next one.
The best part for me is that it’s actually an enjoyable cleanse, no starving and feeling energised throughout. The kitchari is absolutely delicious and I love the morning shake Thanks Emma! Looking forward to my next box."
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