3 Day Autumn Cleanse now available!

Dosha Guide

Do you know your Ayurvedic dosha? This means your mind/body type? See if you relate to any of the following descriptions,

‘When you know yourself you know how to live’

Cold hands and feet? A bit anxious? Hi Vata!


Vata is is the energy of air, space and movement and you’re in good company with famous Vatas like Barack Obama, Steve Jobs and Billie Elish.

Vata people are about the big picture not detail. Visionary and creative, sometimes with an active fantasy world, you tend to live in your mind rather than your body, which means you’re prone to anxiety and feeling disconnected. In the body because Vata energy is cold, dry and airy, you experience gas and bloating.

If you’re thinking but I haven’t always been like this it may be that you’re just experiencing more Vata at this time in your life but your Prakriti (original doshic comstituion) could be a different dosha. Also we all have some of each dosha in varying amounts.

Our doshic profile fluctuates through our life depending on our environment. Have a think about what you were like as a child. There’s no need to aim to be tridoshic by the way, you’ll feel more in balance when you’re closest to your original constitution - your true self.

Top product picks for you


I think there are a very people in the West who wouldn’t benefit from more magnesium but for Vatas it is vital. Vatas are naturally tall, skinny and prone to joint and skeletal issues. They are also anxious and fidgety. Magnesium helps with all these issues in addition to facilitating detox and carrying other nutrients around the body. Transdermal magnesium is the best way to get magnesium because it bypasses the digestive organs and is absorbed directly. Also the ritual of having a regular hot bath is great for grounding Vata.

3 Day Cleanse

Full transparency my Cleanse is tridoshic and I recommend it for everyone! But the reason it is especially good for Vata is that it is exactly the kind of diet you need to nourish and reset your gut. Warming, nourishing and grounding, taking 3 days to relax and eat this way is the best thing a Vata can do. I personally tend towards Vata imbalance and doing this cleanse each season is what keeps me in balance and in the best health I’ve ever been in!


Feeling a bit sluggish and down? Hi Kapha!


Earthly Kaphas are in great company with famous kaphas such as Oprah Winfrey, Nigella Lawson and Tom Hanks.

Kapha energy is slow and steady and it can be prone to congestion, so you need to have a regular practice of detoxing mentally as well as physically. Kaphas are the people who everyone wants to confide in because you’re great at holding space but this means that you can sometimes become resentful and tend towards martyrdom. Having some kind of meditative or spiritual practice for focusing on yourself and clearing your energy is essential for kapha - much more so than the other two doshas.

If you’re thinking but I haven’t always been like this it may be that you’re just experiencing more Pitta at this time in your life but your Prakriti (original doshic comstituion) could be a different dosha. Also we all have some of each dosha in varying amounts.

Our doshic profile fluctuates through our life depending on our environment. Have a think about what you were like as a child. There’s no need to aim to be tridoshic by the way, you’ll feel more in balance when you’re closest to your original constitution - your true self.

Just as you hold onto to emotions and other people’s ‘stuff’ you also tend to do this physically, emotional eating can be an issue and you may find you have a sluggish digestion. Again a regular detox practice is essential for Kapha - our seasonal Ayurvedic Cleanse would be perfect


Stressed and a little burnt out? Hi Pitta!


Pitta is the energy of fire and water. Famous pittas include Nicole Kidman, Madonna and Tony Robbins so you’re in good company!

Getting stressed, angry and impatient is a big challenge for pitta so keep cool and calm by having a regular meditation and chill out practice and eating cooling foods. You are the only dosha type that does quite well with raw foods like salads and smoothies so enjoy lots of these.

If you’re thinking but I haven’t always been like this it may be that you’re just experiencing more Pitta at this time in your life but your Prakriti (original doshic comstituion) could be a different dosha. Also we all have some of each dosha in varying amounts.

Our doshic profile fluctuates through our life depending on our environment. Have a think about what you were like as a child. There’s no need to aim to be tridoshic by the way, you’ll feel more in balance when you’re closest to your original constitution - your true self.

top tips for pitta

Cucumber and mint kraut

Ferments are heating in nature but this is the coolest option thanks to the mint and cucumber. Just a couple of spoonfuls makes a delicious, gut healing addition to your main meal


3 Day Cleanse

Our sell out signature cleanse is tridoshic and the reason it is great for pitta is because it gives you a much needed chance to step off of the hamster wheel and focus on relaxing and supporting your often over extended adrenals. For more details on our full body Ayurvedic cleanse click here