Removing toxin producing mould from our homes is something that needs to be done very carefully and sometimes requires expert help depending on the extent of the issue. I’ll talk more about this next time. For now let’s look at what we can do to help our bodies remove these toxins.
As I mentioned last time our body already has detox pathways and processes that will naturally remove toxins but for many of us these systems are not functioning effectively because of poor health, already high toxin load, not to mention the genetic susceptibility called HLA-DLA. Even if you don't have this gene the toxins from mould will still cause health problems if your body is struggling to remove them.
Supporting your body’s detox pathways with the tips I gave last time is the best place to start. Our Cleanse is designed to do just this - so check it out here. To go even further here are some targeted remedies to help your body remove the toxins associated with mould
Modified Citrus Pectin
This is a naturally occurring substance derived from the peel of citrus fruits. Used in conjunction with alginates from seaweed it removes toxins and binds them so they don’t get reabsorbed while they're being carried out of the body.
Helping with mould detox isn’t it’s only benefit either. Early trials have shown that MCP may have an effect on cancer growth and very early studies showed it had some effect in prostate cancer cells. Studies show it may also stimulate the immune system and lower cholesterol.
Some other natural remedies for mycotoxin detox include activated charcoal, bentonite clay and glutathione (milk thistle boosts levels of this is the body) and chlorella, a green algae, although be careful to find a clean, reputable source
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