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How to safely detox your body

Order 3 Day Alchemy With Eat Live!

I was on Instagram the other day and I saw yet another ad for a detox product that was essentially just a combination of herbal laxatives that could do more harm to people than good

I had a look on Google and the real life were reviews were as I'd expected, lots of unsuspecting people who'd been confined to their bathrooms for days, often with horrible stomach pains too!
Hi love

Detoxing properly is one of the most cathartic, instinctive and healing things you can do for your beautiful body. Here are some of my tips,
  1. Make sure the detox suits your body type - If you're a Vata type with perma cold hands and feet a juice cleanse could do you more harm than good. You can find out about your mind/body type here
  2. Support your liver - Your liver is your main detox organ and is really receptive to herbs. Just taking a good quality Milk Thistle tea or tincture for a liver cleanse will really support this natural detox pathway. I include this support as part of my 3 Day Ayurvedic Detox Box which is now available to order
  3. If it's your first cleanse do it over a weekend or at a time when you can be quiet. You could turn your home into a health club! Just as when you declutter your house it tends to have an effect on other areas of your life, the same happens when you physically detoxify and you're likely to find emotional issues coming up for release too. Having the time to be present, tune in, meditate and journal will make the experience so much deeper and the results more sustainable than just trying to squeeze in some detox shakes around your work schedule
Find out more and order your 3 Day Cleanse Box!
See how I prepare for my cleanse on instagram
So to recap
  • Detox according to your dosha
  • Support your liver with herbs
  • Allow the time and space for emotional detox too
and if you'd like me to make this easy for you you can now order my 3 Day Detox In a Box here but be quick because we are nearly sold out!

I hope you're having a good week. Whatever your view of the monarchy as a system, when a significant, familiar public figure dies it can bring up a lot of emotion. This is especially true if you've ever lost a female figure in your life. Sending love to us all x

Until next week.

In love and wellness

Medical Herbalist at Eat Live Wellness
5 star Google review - Justina

"I LOVE Emma’s cleanse and already looking forward to the next one.
The best part for me is that it’s actually an enjoyable cleanse, no starving and feeling energised throughout. The kitchari is absolutely delicious and I love the morning shake Thanks Emma! Looking forward to my next box."
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Order your Spring Cleanse Box

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