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Keto - My Results One Year On

The Keto Diet - My Results One Year On

Hi love

If you've been on my newsletter list for a while you may remember I was experimenting with two popular eating trends around a year ago - the Keto diet and the Celery Juice Protocol. I shared my initial results and thoughts at the time but because keto was so promising I decided to carry on with it and give you a proper update after around a year. So here's that blog again with my updated results at the bottom. I've left in my experience of the celery juice protocol too. Enjoy!

Let me know if you've tried the Keto diet and how it's going for you or whether you're thinking of giving it a whirl. Reply to this and let me know.

And before we dive into Keto don't forget you only have 2 more days to order our trio of raw ferments to get your free bar of raw chocolate with them!

Send Me Some Kimchi And Chocolate!
Blog - November 2019
There's no point switching up your diet for the sake of it. Since I've started Cleansing and making my Kimchi and Kraut I have healed several health conditions, don't get ill much and have some of lowest markers for all the bad health stuff that my Bupa assessor had ever seen (no affiliation but their health assessments are excellent if you can manage to get one). In spite of being much healthier than before I was still suffering from low energy and feeling sluggish after eating. I also strayed from my usual cleanish diet - thanks a lot Cornwall and put on a bit of weight.

Finally, I have mild Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) which causes cramps after menstruation rather than before. Both Celery Juice and the Ketogenic diet are claimed to help with the all these issues. I decided to try them separately, so that if I had an improvement I knew why. I started with celery juice.
Anthony Williams 'Psychic to the stars' started the Celery Juice movement. The latter part of this description might put you off but Anthony Williams the Medical Medium gives a comprehensive break down of the components of celery and the reasons for it's healing benefits. There aren't any long term studies on taking celery juice in the way he prescribes but he does have thousands of anecdotal testimonials to it's benefits that seem to be legitimate, with plenty of before and after pictures of course.

The instructions for the celery juice protocol are very specific. You need to juice a whole head, with no additional ingredients, none, not even ginger :-( and drink it on an empty stomach. Then wait 30 minutes before having anything else. No guidance is provided on how long you need to do this cleanse for, but he does mention that some people start to see the benefits as soon as a week in. I tried it for 21 days.

The benefits are listed as clearer skin, improved digestion, less bloating, sustained energy, better mental clarity, weight loss, and stable moods, healing from all kinds of acute and chronic illnesses, including Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, SIBO, constipation, chronic fatigue syndrome, blood sugar issues, migraines, acid reflux, high blood pressure, addictions, adrenal issues, gout, allergies, autoimmune conditions. So far, so good.

For anyone around my age or older you'll recognise Keto because it is basically just the Atkins diet, in that it is a very low carb diet. The only difference between Atkins and Keto is that Keto limits protein too. The structure is high fat, moderate protein and low carb, whereas Atkins is basically a protein and fat for free all and the only thing to limit is carbs.

Here's a good description from the BBC about how the diet works

Your body uses whichever energy source is most readily available. This is normally glucose (sugar) converted from carbohydrates. If you drastically limit your carbohydrate consumption and replace it with fat, your body is eventually forced to use fat from food or your stores as energy instead. This process is called ‘ketosis’.

The health benefits of the Keto diet are listed as
  • Aiding weight loss, because it takes more work to turn fat into energy than it takes to turn carbs into energy
  • Reduces acne
  • May help reduce risk of cancer
  • Improves heart health
  • May protect brain functioning
  • Potentially reduces seizures
  • Improves health in women with PCOS

Pretty impressive, so I tried the Keto diet for 21 days too.

Results - November 2019

I was biased towards the celery. I love plants and I wanted the celery juice to transform everything. It didn't. It made me more *ahem, regular, not that that had been an issue, and I could feel it was having a cleansing effect. But other than that I didn't feel that different.

Keto on the other hand, well, just a few days in and I felt much more energetic. I lost the extra 5 pounds pretty quickly and it stayed off, without any hunger pangs or feeling deprived. I have no post meal slump which is a big plus. I wake up in the morning feeling rested and ready to go, My skin is clearer. I'm using the present tense because when something's working there's no reason to stop, so I have continued to eat this way for the most part.

My cramps are no different so although I haven't had another scan yet I'm guessing neither has made any difference to my PCOS, but interestingly the last time I did have a scan the technician mentioned that several people she'd come across had healed PCOS with the keto diet - obviously that wouldn't be a 21 day thing so I'm going to keep going and I will keep you posted of course. 

Updated Results - October 2020

Well I had that scan about a month ago and drumroll please.. my PCOS has almost disappeared. Funnily enough the technician who did my last scan was the same this time around and when I mentioned I'd been doing the keto diet she got all excited and compared my last scan so we could see the significant reduction. She also mentioned that one women she'd scanned had completely healed her severe PCOS with the Keto diet over the course of a few years. Furthermore the pain this condition was causing me at the end of my period has gone too.

I still find my energy levels are consistently better on keto. I'm confident this is due to the diet because whenever I slip off the bandwagon I start feeling heavy, lethargic, gaining weight and I'm also more prone to spots and itchy skin.

Now, there are different ways to do keto, moderately, more intensely with or without intermittent fasting. You can also do a vegetarian or vegan version. I thought it would be helpful to share how I'm doing it, however, I'm conscious this email is about 5 times as long as my usual updates so I'll save all that for next Wednesday - same time, same place ok? And I'll give you the lowdown on what I'm eating and when and all the good stuff ☺️

Love for now

Medical Herbalist
Eat Live

PS If you're looking to get your health back on track and missed our last sold out 3 Day Cleanse make sure you're on our wait list for the next one in the New Year 2021. Email me here to be added.

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