3 Day Autumn Cleanse now available!

My Health Non Negotiables

This is the most beautiful cleanse I’ve ever done.  So much thought has gone into this cleanse. I love that it is gentle and works with and for the body.  Every element from the teas to the oils and the herbs are all designed to support the body.  Emma-Louise has thought of everything including a guided meditation to help you along the way.  I felt renewed after 3 days, back in alignment with my body and what it needs. 6 weeks later I'm still feeling the benefits.

N. Duffell, Nutritionist 

Hi love

It's hard not to get overwhelmed by the amount of 'wellness' advice that comes our way these days. When there's too much information it sometimes becomes paralysing and then we don't implement anything at all.

I'm a medical herbalist and healing though food is my passion but even I find the constant information about new supplements. exercise and even breathing techniques a bit much to take in sometimes! I research as much as I can and then it helps me to have a few non negotiables when it comes to looking after myself - the basics to staying well for me. When I can do more I do but I don't worry about it as long as I've checked my non-negotiables. 

What are your health non negotiables? Here are mine

1. Probiotics 

These are the backbone of our immune system. Probiotic cultures are like the little soldiers in our gut fighting the bad bacteria that cause illness. Not all probiotics are the same. Different strains do different jobs and my favourite cultures for being in optimal health are Saccharomyces Boulardii and cultures from the Bifidus family. I take these every day in the form of either Eat Live Magic (included in our Three Day Cleanse) or our raw ferments.

2. Seasonal Cleansing

When I developed our Three Day Cleanse it was important to me we weren't just selling a one time detox that wouldn't have much effect long term. The reason I do this work is because I want to help people transform their health. A one off juice cleanse for instance is unlikely to have any long term benefits and for some people will make things worse. Our Cleanse is based on the traditional Ayurvedic kitchari cleanse and is a protocol we have adapted and developed to shed accumulated toxins and repopulate your gut even after just one cleanse. When done seasonally or at least a few times a year it goes deeper each time.

I fall off the healthy eating wagon all the time too, it's hard not to in our culture, also I don't want to live on green smoothies and quinoa permanently. That's ok, our bodies are designed to be able to withstand some toxins, and knowing that each season I will spend three days (with a gentler pre and post cleanse week before and after) focused on self care and working with my body to remove toxins, cleanse and reset means I don't worry too much about a takeaway here or there or some sugar on the weekends.

Our Autumn Cleanse is currently available to order. More than half have been snapped up in our first week and we have some bonus herbs to include with orders received by Friday!

3. Exercise

Before I go to bed each night I take a few minutes to plan my next day and amongst other things, this involves asking myself how am I going to move my body the next day? It could be my regular weekly zoom yoga class, a hiit workout or if I'm not feeling up to much just parking further away from my son's school to get a walk in for us both. I'm not naturally drawn to exercise but when the benefits for detox really hit me, the fact that it stimulates our lymph system and is vital to this detox pathway I was sold 😄

Three Day Cleanse Me And Send Me The Bonus Herbs!
You have no idea what this detox did for me. My skin looks amazing. I felt so good. My energy levels were unbelievable. It felt like someone had just cleared everything out of my body.

S. Dent, Yoga Teacher
If you've already ordered your Three Day Cleanse congratulations I'm really looking forward to cleansing with you this season! Enjoy reading our welcome email with all the pre Cleanse information and support.

If you haven't ordered yet you have two more days left to ensure you get some bonus detox herbs for the liver included. If you want to ask me any questions about it just reply to this email and I'll get back to you. I'd love to welcome you into my Cleanse tribe.

Medical Herbalist

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