3 Day Autumn Cleanse now available!

Coaching and Cleanse Package 

Do you wish you had sustained energy through the day?

Do you often feel bloated and find the bloating and gas is worse around your period?

Are you constantly losing your train of thought and forgetting why you walked into a room?

Do you wish you could have your dream body? Toned, strong, flexible and fit?

Book Your Free Health Hour

You’ve tried it all.

Every style of eating going, you’ve ordered all the herbs and supplements on Amazon and social media.

Your kitchen probably looks like Holland and Barrett! But it still hasn’t worked. You always seem to be in the same boat with your wellness.

Still struggling with the bloating, the brain fog and the extra few pounds.

"My UC (ulcerative colitis) is currently healed which is amazing thank you!"

I completely get it

When I was at my lowest point health wise I was dealing with all these issues, plus about of recurrent boils, chronic eczema and a few other health issues to boot.

My kitchen cupboard looked like the Holland and Barrett flagship store and nothing was working.

Finally out of desperation I found an approach to natural healing that allowed me to turn my health around in a remarkably short space of time

Book Your Free Health Hour

"My menopausal symptoms have completely gone. This is amazing thank you so much!"

Imagine yourself lighter, clearer and full of energy

What would it look like for you to have lots of energy to play with your kids?

To make it to the evening and still have the energy to do something other than slump on the sofa?

To actually have fun and enjoy life?

Wouldn’t it be amazing to understand the root cause of the imbalances you’re dealing with

Using Ayurveda and medical herbalism I can guide you through transformation I work with people who are feeling run down, low energy and sluggish.

I help them to step off the hamster wheel, cleanse, reset and achieve their wellness goals. What makes my approach different is that I take an Ayurvedic approach which recognises that any wellness issue is simply an imbalance that can be corrected with the right natural ingredients and support.

This means my clients can relax and stop worrying about food and weight and health, knowing that I have them covered with my coaching programme and products

"I recently completed the 3 day Ayurvedic cleanse which was so beneficial for me. I noticed my skin cleared, I felt lighter and more energetic. The cleanse was easy to follow and came with everything you need to start transforming your health and well-being!"

How can i help you?

Let’s have a chat about your wellness.
Schedule a free Health Hour with me here

Book Your Free Health Hour


Cynthia A

This is the most amazing cleanse I’ve ever been on. My brain fog disappeared and my vision became sharper/clearer.

 Prior to the cleanse, I was dragging myself, felt heavy and had a lot of issues with my bowel. During the cleanse, I felt lighter and experienced a better movement. I remember the very first cleanse actually helped my cycle. Every cleanse has been different for me.Different symptoms and added benefits at the end of it.

 I strive to ensure that I have a seasonal cleanse with Eat Live Wellness because it resets my system and guides me to align myself with mindful nutrition for the season. I’ve recommended this cleanse to anyone who would listen, that’s how much I love it.

Henriette Danel

I've never done a detox before, so I wanted to try something with someone, that I trusted. After speaking and getting to know Emma-Louise I realised that she's the person who can help me.

I've been very focused lately on my own health and just want to look after myself more... and I knew the best way to start is with a detox.

 I was already doing Intermitted Fasting and knowing the Detox works with fasting was a great benefit. So I signed up immediately. I was like a little kid when I got my box delivered - I couldn't wait to get started.

At first I didn't see a difference, but from day 3 I noticed the difference. I did everything Emma-Louise instructed me to do and so glad I followed her plan. My energy levels started picking up and I felt I could concentrate better too.

Even after the 3 days, I kept up with the cleanse and felt more determined and focused to eat healthier.

 I'm definitely coming back for the next season's detox. Thanks Emma-Louise.

Priya Thanki

Just completed the Spring Cleanse (my first one) and I felt so energetic. The ingredients come in eco-friendly packaging with everything labelled correctly. It was all easy to find and the booklet had thorough instructions and reminders. Also was included instructions via email and I could contact the lovely Emma via email who would respond efficiently. Highly recommend trying it as it’s only 3 days! I didn’t miss coffee! The breakfast part was my favourite as you will see from my photo which I took on the 3rd day.

3 Day Alchemy With Eat Liveᴿ

Cleanse your body.
Reset your gut.
Align your mind.

Have you been feeling sluggish, run down and foggy?

Often bloated and tired and just feeling like you're in need of a cleanse?

...ideally one that doesn't involve self deprivation and living on cold juices?

Are you ready to feel lighter, clearer and full of energy?

You are in the right place.

Welcome to 3 Day Alchemy With Eat Liveᴿ

Plant based.  Gut healing. Detoxification.

There are so many different cleanse and detoxes out there, mostly involving juices, not eating very much. You might be wondering how ours is different, why it would work and is 3 days really enough? So let me tell you more..

Saffron of The Yoga Studio did our 3 Day Cleanse and gave a review on her Facebook Live. Click above for a snippet!

Your body is actually designed to detox itself. Your kidneys, skin and liver are all detox organs designed to find toxins and flush them out of your system. The problem is, for most of us, our body's ability to cleanse itself is compromised because of the almost constant exposure to toxins. This is the reason we need a regular cleanse.

It is the Ayurvedic way to Cleanse each season for around three days each season.
This is actually true of most indigenous healing cultures as a way of supporting your body releasing accumulated toxins. The beauty of 3 Day Alchemy with Eat Liveᴿ is that it supports your body's natural healing mechanisms by;

1. Resting Your Digestion

By mono-mealing (eating the same diet) for 3 days with our plant based kitchari, your body is able to use it's resources to repair itself rather than just being in a constant state of digestion. 

2. Resetting Your Gut 

Around 70% of your immune system is in your gut. What this actually means is that the good bacteria located in your gut is what fights off bad bacteria- which is what causes illness.
In order to heal your gut needs to two main things - First, food and sustenance for your existing probiotics (good bacteria) colonies - these are know as Prebiotics. Second, Probiotics - so lots more friendly bacteria and lots of different strains, as each strain do different jobs in your gut to keep you well.  

3. Aligning Your Mind

We've all tried to make positive lifestyle changes in the past, but however amazing your goals are you won't achieve them unless your subconscious mind is in alignment with your physical mind. You actually need to identify with the healthy new you that you aspire to, willpower alone is not enough. This is why I enlisted a cognitive hypnotherapist to record a tailor made hypnotherapy download for my detoxers so that you that as soon as you order you can start listening to begin reprogramming your subconscious to align with your physical goals.

“enjoyed the food on the cleanse - I could happily live on that! Felt clear headed by Tuesday pm and lost 2.5kg. Will definitely do it again. Thank you! “

Dr Ridge, GP

Ayurveda (meaning the science of life) originates from India and is the world's oldest healthcare system. In Ayurveda kitchari is eaten exclusively for a few days as a seasonal detox


Unless you've been living in nature, eating a completely unprocessed diet, supplementing to compensate for our nutrient depleted soil then yes, you most likely you need a detox. An ideally a regular one to give your body and cleanse and reset each season. Just like you don't just wash your face once, a regular cleanse internally is such a beneficial practice and something that herbalists and Ayurvedic practitioners have been recommending for years. Here are some signs your body could do with a help detoxing.

1. Fatigue and low energy

Struggling to make it throughout the day without feeling like you could do with a nap? Post meal slump and heaviness after eating? When I started detoxing regularly and feeding my gut with pro and prebiotics I remember being surprised that it was possible to have so much energy and to go through the day feeling energised, because I hadn't experienced it for so long I thought being tired all the time was normal!

2. Skin Issues

Your skin is one of the first indicators that all is not well in your body. So if your skin is constantly erupting with spots, rashes, itchiness, boils and even inflammatory conditions like eczema it's definitely time for a detox. 

3. Headaches

Headaches can be caused by lots of reason but high levels of toxins are definitely one them. In particular studies show high levels of heavy metal are linked to chronic headaches and migraines.  

4 Difficulty Losing Weight

If you've been trying to lose weight and it seems harder than usual one of the best thing you can do is to start healing your gut with pre and probiotics. Did you know that through the gut-brain connection bad bacteria send messages to your brain to crave unhealthy food - the kind that feeds the bad bacteria and makes you ill. The stronger your colonies of bad bacteria the more they can make their host (you) crave unhealthy food so it becomes a vicious cycle. When you detox you starve your bad bacteria and feed your good bacteria. This, along with the subconscious reprogramming through the hypnotherapy helps you break the cycle.

5. Brain Fog

Having trouble remembering names and words or even just staying with the same thought?! Removing sugar, processed foods and cleansing with the detoxing herbs included in the detox, like Spirulina and Barley Grass is amazing for restoring clarity and improving your focus. This detox also incorporates a large quantity of Medium Chain Triglycerides oil at breakfast, lunch and dinner which early studies are showing can significantly improve the cognitive results of dementia patients within hours - so imagine what it could do for you! See further down for more information on this and all the gorgeous healing food incorporated in the the detox. 

What does the detox include?

When you order 3 Day Alchemy with Eat Liveᴿ I send you a cognitive hypnotherapy download, tailor made and recorded just for my cleansers.

This starts to gently work on a subconscious level on your mindset alignment to prepare and support you on your detox journey. Just before your receive your box we send you your detox yoga class to practice during your Cleanse. You will then receive your detox box in the post which will include the following

  • Easy Organic Kitchari Kit - Comprising of Organic yellow split mung beans and organic red lentil blend. organic kitchari medicinal spice blend, MCT oil and Liquid Aminos
  • A 7 Day supply of Eat Live Magic. This is a blend of 100% survivable probiotic cultures, organic prebiotics, adaptogens and digestive enzymes to mix into your morning smoothie to cleanse and nourish your gut while you detox.
  • Blue Keto Mylk Smoothie Breakfast Blend (Raw, Organic)
  • Ayurvedic CCF Tea Blend
  • Detoxing Herb Blend for the Liver
  • Slippery Elm (Raw, Organic)
  • Flax Oil for internal cleansing
  • Kitchari Toppers - a selection of nutrient rich delicious sprinkles to add variety and more nutritiion to each day's Kitchari
  • A Journal and Food Diary - with helpful prompts so that you can track what you're eating when, ensure you don't forget all your herbs and oils at the right times and also with journalling prompts for any emotions that are coming up for you as you detox.


  • Details of how to prepare yourself for the detox - Pre Cleanse Guidance for the week before the detox.
  • Details of Ayurvedic Self Care practices to support and facilitate your detox journey each day.
  • Post Cleanse Advice and Recipes to support you continuing to reap the benefits even after you have completed your detox

For three days you will enjoy the following detox menu

  • Green Detox Shot with Eat Live Magic
  • Breakfast Blue Keto Mylk Smoothie or Blue Keto Mylk Porridge
  • Internal Oil Cleansing 15 mins prior to lunch
  • Lunch - Kitchari (made in one large batch on the first day according to instructions)
  • Internal Oil Cleansing 15 mins prior to dinner
  • Dinner - Kitchari with dosha friendly vegetables steamed or sauteed
  • Post Dinner - Slippery Elm Tea for prebiotics and elimination
  • Throughout the day - alternate between Ayurvedic CCF Tea for the Stomach and Herbal Blend for the Liver.

Everything is provided for the 3 days - with the exception of a carton of nut or oat milk and some fresh veggies to have with your kitchari - guidance is given on choosing the right kind of veggies for your Ayurvedic doshic constitution.


Here are some of the gorgeous, healing and nutrient dense foods, spices and herbs that you'll enjoy on the Detox

MCT Oil (medium chain triglycerides) is amazing for the brain. Because of it's chemical structure it goes straight to the liver fueling your brain and keeping you feeling full, this is why it is often used as part of the Keto diet. I include it in as part of the kitchari and also as part of breakfast. I use pure MCTs derived from coconut oil.

I felt less bloated..and on Day 4 am still feeling good for having tried the Cleanse. The kitchari dish and smoothie were delicious and the slippery elm seems to be a miracle cure for everything.
Allison G

The results  - Testimonials.

..i have kept all the packaging from your cleanse in readiness for the next one, which I can't wait for
Nick G Kentish Town - email
Loved it. Can we get another one now or do we have to wait for the next round?
B Hertfordshire - on the phone
Your kitchari was SO delicious! Could happily eat that every day.
Charlotte Enfield Instagram
I really like this detox, can you deliver another one so I can do two back to back?
Nick - Alexander Palace
Yummy. I would never thought that a kitchari cleanse would be so good.
Benedicte Bush Hill Park - Instagram
Just made one and loved it
Sarah -Instagram
Finished my detox. Feeling great, stomach flatter. Had another keto milk for breakfast and have one portion of kitchari to share with my munchkin this lunchtime
Dania Enfield - Instagram

..and in case you were wondering about the munchkin mentioned above?!

Thanks to the lovely freshly detoxed Dania for sending me this pic and allowing me to share - Matteo also enjoyed the kitchari cleanse judging by Dania's comment -
'Matteo likes it too. I let him taste it then he came back with a bowl and spoon...He devoured the lot, he even went in for anything he dropped in his bib!'
ps - my little girl takes my kitchari to school in her lunch box! 

Hi I'm Emma. I'm a medical herbalist, mum, and solicitor. I got into herbs, gut health and Ayurveda after I had my two children Jessica and Ethan and I became chronically ill. Getting nothing but back to back courses of antibiotics from my (very well meaning) GP I sensed that healing through food and lifestyle was the answer.

I was never drawn to overly restrictive detoxes because I've found the shock to your body can make matters worse. For me the Ayurvedic seasonal cleanse is the perfect way of resetting your body.

I have amended the traditional cleanse to include detoxing herbs that actually bind to toxins and carry them out through your digestive tract. I also add pre and probiotics through the Magic blend that you mix into your breakfast smoothie to reset your gut.

3 Day Alchemy with Eat Liveⓡ gives your body a thorough and effective cleanse and reset without deprivation and you can even use it to kickstart weight loss.

Got questions? Email me and ask - emma-lou@eatlive.co.uk

We can't prescribe, diagnose or treat anyone specifically. If you have an existing medical condition and/or are on medication, you should check with your doctor first and ensure there are no contraindications with any of the herbs included. You can email me for a full ingredients list.
If you're pregnant wait until postpartum before cleansing, and if you're breastfeeding check with your midwife or doctor first