In an ideal world the evening is Kapha time in Ayurvedic terms. Time to move from intense, getting things done, Pitta energy, into homely, tactile earth energy. But I find it really hard to switch gears.
I always plan to switch my phone off at the end of my work day, after the kids are back from school, but I find myself picking it up again and again. The annoying thing about this is that the main thing I use it for in the day is my business. So essentially, my wellness business is giving me a screen addiction 🙈 Even when the working day is finished I continue to check orders, my Instagram posts, Whatsapp, emails, my online site chat, on and on.
My current strategy is to to put my phone in a drawer upstairs when I’m finished working, and that works fairly well. I do feel uncomfortable at first, like something’s missing, but I can sit with the feeling until it passes and then I find myself forgetting about it and doing something enjoyable like playing a game with the kids.
The problem with my plan, is that I’ll either forget to put the phone away in the first place, or I’ll genuinely need it for something at some point and then I’ll be back to square one. So I think I need to find a way to make putting it away, and keeping it away, a habit.
Something that’s recommended in Ayurveda for getting into Kapha energy is to do something tactile. So I’m going to plan some hands on, creative activities for the evening and that will be a much better example for the kids than me squinting away at my phone.
Anyway that’s (one of) my challenges at the moment. Have you ever struggled with this at all? Have you got any advice or tips for me? Let me know if you have!
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