3 Day Autumn Cleanse now available!

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Why you must do this before you detox

I heard the sound before I felt the pain šŸ˜¬ I was so excited that I could finally get into full splits after years of yoga. The problem was in my excitement Iā€™d rushed into it this time without my usual stretching routine - argh! I jumped up (as quickly as I could given Iā€™d just torn my hamstrings!)Ā  Five minutes is all it would have taken to prepare properly but this would cost me a month in injury timeĀ Ā 

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Reclaiming our bodies with intermittent fasting and strength training

Hi loveThe real motivation was realising I'm in my 40s and the best thing I could do for my leg injury was to lose excess weight and be as strong as possibleĀ We've been talking about intermittent fasting this month and last week I mentioned one of our cleansers hadĀ lost over 2 stone using intermittent fasting. JoannaĀ was kind enough to share her experience to give some inspiration and tipsĀ  Add me to the Autumn cleanse wait list - 21/9/22 When you have excess weight to lose this is considered a Kapha imbalance in Ayurveda, fasting is recommended and can be done more often in these circumstances, for weight loss and detox.Joanna had over 2 stone to lose so she practiced IF...

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