3 Day Autumn Cleanse now available!

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Wait without thought

I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hopeFor hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love,For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faithBut the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting.Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought:So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.T. S. Eliot Hi love This is an extract from one of my favourite poems. To me it captures the essence of meditation. It’s not about sitting in lotus or chanting anything.  It’s about stillness. it's about acceptance of exactly what is and presence. Mediation could be sitting quietly enjoying a cup of tea in...

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How to optimise your fitness regime

I used to think it was better to just save exercise to the evenings to work off calories before bed ☺️   Something I’ve learnt from adopting the Ayurvedic dinacharya (or daily routine) is that movement in the morning is important for overall health as well as for releasing excess weight. In Ayurveda 6-10am is considered Kapha time, when the energy is heavy and sluggish. Getting outside first thing in the morning for some exercise or even just a walk is great to shake off excess Kapha energy. It is also great from a weight loss perspective if that's something you're addressing,Exercising whilst in a fasted state ie before breakfast actually optimises the benefits for weight lossThis is recommended for all dosha...

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Stocking your Ayurvedic kitchen. Part one

It’s June and we’re back in the kitchen. After all the bank holiday festivities you may be feeling in need of a thorough cleanse ☺️ if that’s you I've got you covered as our 3 Day Summer Cleanse will be available to order from 21 June! Get on the list for a reminder here Until then why not start preparing by turning your kitchen into an Ayurvedic pharmacy? At it's heart Ayurveda is kitchen medicine so find out your dosha (mind/body type) here and let’s get started, This week we’ll start with dried foods. Stock up on these Ayurvedic essentials, you may already have some or even all of them. That's great and in that case see this as a reminder to actually...

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It’s my birthday 🎉 and this is how I’m celebrating!

Hey love it’s my birthday today! (or it will be when you get this as I’m writing this in advance) We have a pretty set view of what birthday celebrations look like in our culture, lots of refined sugar, alcohol and big groups of people. This is fine if you love all that but on my 43rd trip around the sun I feel more self acceptance than ever and less interest in following the culture than ever so I’ll be celebrating by spending the day with my love going for a walk and then brunch probably here and seeing my friends in smaller groups for dinners.So no big meet ups, overspending, drinking more than I want or refined sugar hangovers...

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Why you can't stick to your fitness goals

So I’ve given up on trying to commit to a regular fitness class. With the exception of African dancing which I do with my daughter and feels more like a fun, moving meditation I’ve stopped wasting my money on regular fitness classes.   I say wasting money, not because the classes I’ve done in the past haven’t been good but because as soon as I sign up for a block of 12 classes in whatever exercise it is, there’s something in me that starts trying to get out of it.   At the grand age of 42 I’ve finally realised that the issue is that I’m a Vata and I’ve been trying to act like a Kapha when it comes...

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